well don`t know if this will work but just read a moving story over on andrea`s blog , please take a look and thought i would support her with my card posted today
http://andie66.blogspot.com/2009/05/red-friday.html(didn`t work as i hoped so please see my card below ~this should be under my card xx ~gosh me and computers!!!)
Hi Vanessa Its a beautiful card and thanks for your support.
beautiful card vanessa,thankyou for supporting red friday
Hi Nessy,
I've read this on a couple of blogs now and it sent chivers down my spine. I don't know how our soldiers do it, both them and their families are true heros and deserve every amount of recognition they get.....Your card is beautiful, lovin the colours, cutie image and a really fab layout.
How daft am I with my blog....hehehe. If you want to add this post to link to the card firstly go to customize, then posting, then edit posts, then just add what you choose to the post and publish it. Now I'm not the best at giving instructions, plus I'm technically challenged as you found out today... lol, so if you get stuck, give us a shout and I'll do my best to help you out. (((hugs))) xx vicki xx
I havent had the chance to go to the link yet-but this card is gorgeous! GREAT JOB as ALWAYS!!
Good evening Nessy this is such a lovely atc hunny i love the image. Congratulations onyour award too its so well deserved. I hope you'vehad a lovely weekend, enjoy the rest of your evening, hugs Linda x
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